Month: March 2003

Just Tell The Story

The main character in the movie Up Close And Personal is a TV newsman who dies trying to get a story in one of the world's trouble spots. After his death, he is remembered for saying, "I once thought reporting was about glory. But I'm here for only one reason—to tell the story."

First In Our Lives

Actor Sylvester Stallone is applauded for his strongman movie roles as Rocky and Rambo. But what is he really like in his personal life? During an interview he honestly admitted, "If I were watching a home movie of my life, I would shake my head in despair and wonderment. It's a comedy of errors."

Think About It

According to one little boy, "Thinking is when your mouth stays shut and your head keeps talking to itself."

Our Children Are Watching

It can be disturbing to realize that our children often mirror the way we speak and act. I remember being concerned about the way my son angrily lashed out at his sister when she was annoying him. My wife gently pointed out to me that his behavior was a reflection of mine.

He's Never Grumpy

While driving my car the other day, I saw a sign that said, "Sometimes I wake up grumpy—but usually I let him sleep." It reminded me of the night my pregnant wife awakened me saying we had to get to the hospital because the baby was on the way. Half-awake, I replied, "Let's go back to sleep and take care of things in the morning." Then suddenly I realized what she had said, and I was up in a flash.

Mary & God

Her bright smile and cheerful voice seemed unusual for someone working at a discount store checkout counter early in the morning. I glanced at her nametag, then looked more closely to make sure I had read it correctly. It said: MARY-N-GOD. So I asked her if she and the Lord were doing this job together. "Oh, yes!" she said, beaming. "He works with me and walks with me and talks with me, and we share the most wonderful life together. I couldn't do it without Him."

Servants Of All

Robert K. Greenleaf, founder of the Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership in Indianapolis, said, "The great leader is seen as a servant first, and that simple fact is the key to his greatness."

At The Well

A guide in Israel was preparing to lead a tour into the desert. His instructions to the group were simple and clear: "If you do not have these two items, I will not allow you to accompany us. You must have a broad-brimmed hat and a full bottle of water. These will protect you from the sun, and from the thirst caused by wind and dryness."

True Satisfaction

A man stopped at a travel agency and said he wanted to go on a cruise. "Where to?" he was asked. "I don't know," was his reply. So the travel agent suggested that he take a look at a large globe that was in the room. He studied it for some time, then with a look of frustration he exclaimed, "Is this all you have to offer?"